четверг, 19 июня 2014 г.

SDGothicNeo1™ Korean Flipfont


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SDGothicNeo1™ is a premium gothic font having a modern feeling.

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The competition heats companies vying for new digital cinema sound formats to start .In addition to Barco, there are a few companies with new audio formats vying for the Digital Cinema Sound market including Dolby with Atmos format , which can hold as many as 128 channels, or what Dolby now refers to as simultaneous sound elements or objects. This last spring on the newly designated Dolby Theatre in Hollywood and was used for the first time for the premiere of Disney / Pixar 's Brave at the theater 's opening. Fox 's Taken 2 on Friday on Friday, is in Atmos under 13 theaters in North America and two in China. Print.

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