Grades: Student Organizer
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Keep track of your classes, school assignments, homework, and exams with ease using the Grades: Student Organizer from Android Infinity Software. Watch your attendance, manage your time semester by semester or day by day, keep a record of your test scores and monitor your GPA using different grading styles and grade scales for each course to match the standards for every teacher and professor. Store professor and teacher contact information and email them from within this intuitive, well-organized app. A multiple-view calendar shows your daily schedule, weekly plans, attendance tracking, a general schedule, and includes Google Calendar integration with handy reminders and computer data import options.
Keep track of your test scores for individual courses and special exams such as the SAT, GRE, MCAT, AP, and more in your profile. Create weighted categories such as homework and exams for different grading systems, or take the total points to determine your grades for each class. Lock your grades down by setting a pin number for privacy. Manage your assignments with upcoming dues dates and overdue alerts. Backup your profile to either your SD card or via email so that you never have to worry about losing your data.
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Emma Stone goal Ruben Fleischer ' Gangster Squad ' Movie JoinGangster Squad includes a fantastic cast of Ryan Gosling has to Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, Anthony Mackie, Giovanni Ribisi and Michael Pena . Dan Lin and Kevin McCormick produce. Will Beall wrote the last draft of the script on a 7-part LA Times series by Paul Lieberman on corruption in the LAPD is based. Emma Stone is on the rise, with major roles in The Amazing Spider-Man next summer as well as Crazy Stupid Love and The Help get. This is one of those high-profile projects that I can not wait to see come together. Nice to see butcher populate the cast with some of the best talent around. Sounds good?
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