суббота, 4 октября 2014 г.

Rescue Lemmings

Arcade & Action

Download .apk

Rescue the Lemmings and bring them to the other side of the river...

You can earn some extra lives in the game.

Fun game to play and you can place your highest score in Game Center

Fast Game Play

Cool Sounds,

Sound/Music control

Game score option

Try also our other games: SkullForce Betrayal (NEW), Running Odi, Panda Puzzle Game, Cow Helicopter Rescue, SkiDiver Fun, Jumping Angry Fruit, Jetpack 2012, Fuzzy Heli, Sushi Ninja and Odi Birds


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Leona prefer not to discuss their relationship and Liam is still quiet about rumors linking her. - I have everything inside them I use the experience from all of my relations, she said . I have a lot of things to pass that I have broken with people and ends the relationship, what is real and emotional. .

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