понедельник, 28 июля 2014 г.

Mini Golf'Oid - Alphabet #2/2


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Alphabet course for Mini Golf'Oid, part 2 : 18 holes (S to Z and 0 to 9).

Difficulty : hard

*** IMPORTANT : Please note that this application cannot be directly opened and will not appear in the home screen. It's purpose is only to provide a golf course for Mini Golf'Oid. Please install Mini Golf'Oid first.


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The cast of the next film by Ridley Scott, the consultants, that will bring him back from the deep space of the Prometheus is already outstanding . Michael Fassbender will lead the movie with Brad Pitt and Javier Bardem below. At the time of of the last two names were announced to join the cast, Angelina Jolie was also said to be circling a role for the first time, they would work with her husband, because the first two were very familiar with each other in Mr. And Mrs. However, the schedule for Maleficent kept her out of the movie and now Twitch says Cameron Diaz has landed the role.

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