вторник, 29 июля 2014 г.

Junjou No Shikaku


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Ura Eigo No Tastujin App Series Vol.3!

This one is for learning English conversation.


Can you say these Japanese sentences below in English?





★Eikaiwa "Junjou No Shikaku" is that you practice such English sentences by sorting words in right order.

★Various characters have funny conversations in App.

The aggressive General Manager and the rattled subordinate./The company's members can't ignore boss's toupee/The man who's picky about natto and his girl friend who buys too many eggs./Senior and junior members in the body-building club./The man who has a poor memory and his worried girlfriend./The insensitive girl and her friend.

You can learn more natural English conversations that like Japanese conversations you usually have!

★You can listen 460 sentences with native speaker pronunciations.★

★Listening mode★

With native speaker's voices, you also train listening skill.

★More than 1000 expositions about words and grammar★

When you make a sentence, you can check expositions.

★You can check whole sentences of the chapter in prep★

You also can check expositions about words and can listen to all sentences of the chapter.

★Review uncompleted sentences★

You review the questions you skip or you can't complete.

★APP for Android OS Ver 2.1 - 2.3

Supports XPERIA, GALAXY, Optimus Black, Optimus chat and HTC EVO 4G display.

★Related App

Majime Na Eitango 3000:Learn essential 3000 English words!!

Majime Na Eijukugo 1000:Learn essential 1000 idioms and phrasal verbs!!

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Produced by

AltavistaRise co., Ltd.

If you have any questions or want further information about Eikaiwa Junjou No Shikaku and Ura Eigo No Tatsujin. Please visit http://uraguchi.jp/ or mail to info@uraguchi.jp

Information about Eigo No Tatsujin, Daigaku Juken Gokaku Club, Derujun TOEIC(R), Ryugaku No Tatsujin. http://altavista21.com

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