понедельник, 28 июля 2014 г.

Fake Call for SmartWatch


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Stuck in a boring conversation? Tap on your watch to make your phone ring, then excuse yourself to take the call!

Instead of a phone icon, the widget shows a cat so nobody gets suspicious. The cat wakes up after you have scheduled the fake call.

Note: This application will not be shown in your phone application screen. Access application settings via LiveWare™ manager, where you can also enable or disable this SmartWatch application.

LiveWare™ extension for SmartWatch

LiveWare extension for SmartWatch 2

Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2


Download .apk

Selick is steer projects of original ideas and literary properties and use the Mecca of the available resources of Pixar. But if James and the Giant Peach flopped , remembers remembers the reaction of Disney: 'I'm going right after Dick Cook[ Giant Peach] quote was finished he said,'We do not think this is a viable medium . And we will not do it. 'A few years later shut down 2D. It's great that these two things are back. 'I could not agree more , and can not wait to see what else Selick has up his sleeves.

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