понедельник, 28 июля 2014 г.

Easy Tie


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Easy Tie is an app that shows you step-by-step how to tie a necktie.

Knots included:

-Simple Knot

-Double K.

-Small K.

-Half Windsor K.

-Windsor K.

-Saint Andrew K.

-Pratt K.

-Neoclassical K.

-Cross K.

-Atlantic K.

-Bow Tie

v1.6: ready for FroYo, new descriptions for 5 different collars, 3 new knots

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So I have to say, after we Dark of the Moon more than once in 3D, it's definitely Bay seemed only was a blast playing with 3D and CGI for almost 3 hours, and he kind of redeemed themselves for this mess Revenge of the Fallen. One could say that this is now the perfect place for him to jump to . From the Transformers franchise, and move on It is always kind of take a break, that small film anyway, so why not come back and play with the big money again, make some more crazy robots 3 hours of action sequences? is is an indication of how it will deeper delve into Transformers canon to older characters and lore, which I hope is the case or something. It sounds like things are still undecided, but it is definitely on the table Bay, so we will keep you updated if he or she moves to take. Sounds good?

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