вторник, 29 июля 2014 г.

Calculator SmartWatch 2


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Calculator for Sony SmartWatch 2.

Supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, power, square root, sin, cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan, logarithm, percentage. Memory operations: MC, M+, M-, MR (only SmartWatch 2).


• Press and hold to use the orange functions;

• Press "Back" button to delete last symbol;

• Press "Menu" button to delete all symbols;

• Swipe left/right to change the displayed functions.

Note: This application will not be shown in your phone application screen. Access application settings via Smart Connect.

If you find any bugs or you have any suggestions, please email me at shuisky@gmail.com in order to correct or implement it.

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Download .apk

Hopkins Russell Crowe is. NoahWe 'll be following this project closely as it prepares for a March 2014 arrival in theaters.Be warned though: Aronofsky 's Noah might be a little different from the bearded boatbuilder most remember from the Bible . Aronofsky told us then that he sees Noah as the first environmentalist, a man tormented by survivor guilt after living through the flood. - Biblical scholars have long debated whether Methuselah died in the flood. .

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